Thursday, February 9, 2012

Female songwriters on 9/11

I'm not sure why we did not pick any songs written by female songwriters for discussion in the class.  There are some beautiful songs out there.  I have posted two below.


  1. I think the Irishblend song is really calming in a powerful way. They remind me a little of The Avett Brothers in the way their music is presented so raw; which is appropriate for such a solemn topic. The images with the video are spot on, too. It all kind of puts you in a trance and takes you back to that day, but it's different because it's that day if I were there and not in a 4th grade classroom.

  2. Well after seeing this post about not talking about women singers, I did some research and actually found a lot out there. I wonder why they only really showed/promoted the songs by men? When comparing these two songs, I actually like the “Land of the Living”. It’s really hard to say one is better than the other because they are really talking about two different things and it is hard to compare things that aren’t alike. I may be wrong but that is how I feel. When I was doing some research about female songwriters that sung about 9/11. I found that there were a lot of independent singers that sung about this tragic event. One singer that I found was by a young girl that may not sound the best but I like how she had a tie to the events. I feel really crappy using the word “like” but I feel that there is really no other way of saying it. The song was “Always in My Memories"( it is about a girl who had a tie to the attacks because she is singing about now as she reflects about that day. The girl that is signing this song is Riley Roth.
    The Website that I used to find this singer and many others that aren’t really that known is right here. (
    And the website starts with this wonderful quote that I truly appreciate is “Sometimes mere words cannot express what's in our hearts; this is when music comes in. What makes music a universal language is that, even if you don't understand the words, you can still feel the emotions expressed in a song”.

  3. Thanks for these sites. I look forward checking them out.
