Sunday, January 29, 2012

Flight Patterns

So after browsing Facebook, YouTube, and a series of links to new and interesting videos, i found something that i thought i would share with the class. I think while many of us know that there are a lot of planes in the air at any given moment, we don't realize exactly how great of a feat flight control is. I came across these videos showing flight patterns of the world and the U.S. for a full 24 hour period sped up. It was really eye opening to me.

Then i came across this video which pertains to the class. It shows the flight patterns on Sept. 11th, 2001 and how all the planes had to ground, no planes could leave the country, and no planes were allowed to come into the country.

The reason i decided to post this is because i personally underestimated the scale of the task it is to guide flights. It was eye opening to me and i thought others might find this interesting also.


  1. Thanks for this post! It was really cool to watch! Its amazing to see just how many aircraft are occuying our airspace at one point. At the minimum 900 aircraft??? Its amazing that accidental collisions don't ever happen with all those planes in the air and all different people guiding them from the ground. That job takes alot of responsibility. Not saying that it would ever be a good thing, but I'm actually alittle surprised that terrorists had not used aircraft as weapons before 9/11. The FAA must have been doing something right to keep them off for that long...

  2. This post is absolutely fascinating. I think it says it all: the attacks of 9/11 really stopped the world for a couple days as one of the largest and most powerful countries tried to recover. I think the final video alone offers an image of Springsteen's "Empty Sky." It's eerie how empty things are. It really shows that the world needed to take a step back and recover for a short period of time.

  3. Even apart from the threat of terrorist hijacking of planes, these videos don't provide much comfort about air travel.

  4. I watched these last week and I just watched them again. I have to say, it's pretty mind-blowing. I had no idea the air travel that was going on in the US on a daily basis. At first, I was pretty unforgiving about the people in charge of monitoring the planes on 9/11. Now, I almost understand. There's a lot going on in our skies.

  5. these video were very eye opening. the scale in which the planes disappeared on 911 was uncanny even with it sped up almost the entirety of us air traffic was grounded in about an hour. and the they really shut it down compared to the natural flight trajectories. i also was unaware of the sheer magnitude of the US air fleet. i was shock by the amount of traffic there was in the northeast where i live.
